TEKNOS: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Teknologi https://jurnal-fkip-uim.ac.id/index.php/teknos <p>TEKNOS : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Teknologi adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Islam Makassar. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk menerbitkan dan menyebarluaskan hasil penelitian. Artikel yang dimuat dalam jurnal adalah hasil penelitian atau pemikiran bidang pendidikan dan teknologi yang dilakukan oleh peneliti, dosen, guru, mahasiswa dan praktisi pendidikan. Jurnal ini terbit secara berkala sebanyak dua kali dalam setahun yaitu bulan April dan Desember.</p> <p>E-ISSN <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/20230420581304804" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2987-257X</a></p> Program Studi Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Islam Makassar en-US TEKNOS: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Teknologi 2987-257X AKHLAK DALAM PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM https://jurnal-fkip-uim.ac.id/index.php/teknos/article/view/258 <p class="p1"><em>Moral issues are always linked to the social problems of society. Morals determine human value in the eyes of other humans. Morals are the soul's ability to give birth to an action spontaneously without any thought or coercion, an action that is born under the impulse of the soul in the form of a praiseworthy or despicable action. Morals are a reflection of a person's spiritual state which is applied in everyday life. According to Al Ikhlas, morals are the crown of humanity. There are two types of morals in Islam, namely akhlak karimah or what is called </em><em>akhlak mahmudah (praiseworthy morals), namely morals that are good and correct according to Islamic teachings, secondly, madzmumah morals or akhlak (reprehensible) namely morals that are not good and correct according to Islamic teachings.</em></p> Afriandi Nurul Amaliah Nur Israh Awaliah Sulfi Santiani Yusran Hidayat Muh Faiz Ramadhan Copyright (c) 2024 Afriandi Afriandi, Nurul Amaliah, Nur Israh Awaliah, Sulfi, Santiani, Yusran Hidayat, Muh Faiz Ramadhan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 1 104 111 10.59638/teknos.v1i1.258 PENGENALAN EVALUASI PROGRAM PEMBELAJARAN MENGGUNAKAN MODEL STAKE https://jurnal-fkip-uim.ac.id/index.php/teknos/article/view/206 <p><em>Evaluation of the stake model program is a process carried out to measure the effectiveness, success and impact of the implementation of the stake model program in a particular context. The stake model program involves identifying, analyzing, and involving stakeholders in decision making and implementation of a program or project. The aim of this research is to comprehensively analyze the Stake evaluation model, starting from its meaning to how to use the Stake evaluation model in order to maximize various educational programs and provide recommendations to improve their quality. The research design used is the literature review method. Literature study (literature review) is research carried out by researchers by collecting a number of books, journals, articles, research results related to research problems and objectives. The stake evaluation model in carrying out evaluations emphasizes two basic things that must be present, namely description and judgment.&nbsp; These two basic things are further divided into three study objects in evaluation, namely antecedents, transactions, outcomes. The results of the analysis show that the stake model (countenance model) has several advantages, such as being comprehensive in collecting data, the evaluator has the freedom to collect data and translate it and can come up with new theories related to events in the field. While the disadvantage is that it is too subjective in its approach to collecting data, most data is qualitative in nature and costs a lot of money.</em></p> Kamal Rahmi Rahmadhani Copyright (c) 2024 Kamal; Rahmi Rahmadhani https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 1 9 21 10.59638/teknos.v1i1.206 PROBLEMATIKA PEMBELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DI PERGURUAN TINGGI https://jurnal-fkip-uim.ac.id/index.php/teknos/article/view/220 <p>Permasalahan dan tantangan yang ada dalam Pendidikan Agama Islam baik dalam pembelajarannya maupun dalam penerapannya multidimensi. Segala sesuatu pasti memiliki problematika yang menjadi permasalahan dan tantangan yang harus dihadapi dan dicari solusinya, terutama dalam pendidikan. Banyak sekali problematika dalam pendidikan yang masih harus diselesaikan. Penulis ingin mengkaji secara khusus tentang problematika yang menjadi masalah dan tantangan dalam Pendidikan Agama Islam. Sudah banyak penelitian tentang problematika Pendidikan Agama Islam, tetapi masih terfokus hanya kepada para pendidik dan menejemen sekolah. Padahal permasalahan Pendidikan Agama Islam bukan hanya ada dalam sebuah institusi pendidikan saja tetapi merupakan permasalahan bagi seluruh elemen masyarakat termasuk keluarga. Dalam kajian ini penulis ingin membahas dan mengkaji tentang problematika Pendidikan Agama Islam yang ditinjau dari ruang lingkup pendidikan yaitu sekolah, keluarga dan masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, berdasarkan studi kepustakaan. Semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat dan bisa memberikan solusi bagi permasalahan-permasalahan yang menjadi tantangan-tantangan dalam Pendidikan Agama Islam baik sebagai sebuah disiplin ilmu, institusi ataupun jalan hidup dalam kehidupan setiap manusia, karena agama adalah budaya Tuhan</p> Muh Kharisman Syarifuddin Ondeng Syahruddin Usman Copyright (c) 2024 Muh Kharisman, Syahruddin Usman, Syarifuddin Ondeng https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 1 42 50 10.59638/teknos.v1i1.220 PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI TENGAH MASYARAKAT MULTIKULTURAL https://jurnal-fkip-uim.ac.id/index.php/teknos/article/view/225 <p>Multikulturalisme merupakan sebuah paham tentang realitas masyarakat yang beragam. Yang mana multikulturaliasme adalah sebuah respon dari sebuah fakta sosial yang beragam dan plural, sehingga keteraturan hidup yang humanis, demokratis dan berkeadilan akhirnya dapat di capai. Multikulturalisme mengakui dan mengagungkan perbedaan dalam kesederajatan baik secara individual maupun secara kebudayaan. Desain Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah literatur review. Dalam penelitian ini memperoleh data dari buku dan jurnal yang dikaitkan dengan pendidikan Islam di tengah masyarakat multikultural. Referensi terkait pendidikan Islam di tengah masyarakat multikultural merujuk pada buku-buku dan jurnal yang relevan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian Pendidikan multikultural adalah strategi pendidikan yang diaplikasikan pada semua jenis Pendidikan baik fomal maupun nonformal. Islam sangat menghargai perbedaan agama dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. slam sangat menghargai perbedaaan agama, suku, bangsa dan perbedaan itu harus dipandang sebagai kehendak Allah. Strategi memahami keberagaman dengan cara pandang Multikultural diantaranya; Memahami Keberagaman Agama, Memahami Keberagaman Bahasa, Membangun Sensivitas Gender, Memahami Keragaman Status Sosial, Memahami Keragaman Etnis, dan Menghargai Perbedaan Kemampuan.</p> Reski Mei Syahruddin Usman Syarifuddin Ondeng Copyright (c) 2024 Reski Mei, Syahruddin Usman, Syarifuddin Ondeng https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 1 65 78 10.59638/teknos.v1i1.225 Analisis Penggunaan Aplikasi Canva dalam Peningkatan Kemampuan Desain Grafis Mahasiswa https://jurnal-fkip-uim.ac.id/index.php/teknos/article/view/207 <p>Education is one of the main pillars in producing a generation that is competent <br />and ready to face various challenges in the future. In the era of globalization and industrial <br />revolution 4.0, education is one of the main pillars in forming a generation that is competent <br />and ready to face various challenges in the future. In the era of globalization and industrial <br />revolution 4.0, this research aims to determine the increase in student creativity by using the <br />Canva application. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The research <br />subjects are students of the Information Technology Education Study Program Class of 2023. <br />Data collection techniques were carried out using interviews, observation and <br />documentation. The results of the research carried out increase their efficiency and <br />productivity in completing graphic design tasks. Compare with other editor applications</p> Indra Farman Muhammad Hidayat L Ade Marela Yusniati Copyright (c) 2024 Indra Farman, Muhammad Hidayat L; Ade Marela , Yusniati https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 1 22 30 10.59638/teknos.v1i1.207 MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS SDM (SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA) DALAM PENDIDIKAN ISLAM https://jurnal-fkip-uim.ac.id/index.php/teknos/article/view/222 <p class="p1"><em>Islamic education in its development process has advantages because of its comprehensive approach, encouraging students to optimize their potential. The goals include religious and worldly aspects, with an emphasis on employability skills in lifelong education. However, achieving this goal requires effectiveness and balanced proportions in the education system. Investment in human resources, including the quality of educators, is important in facing changes in globalization. The concept of human resources developed because humans not only have quantity, but also quality which is influenced by education, experience and values. With the complexity of educational problems and the need to improve the quality of human resources, it is important to continue to develop alternative solutions through Islamic education. Islamic education has a vital function to create individuals who have moral integrity and a high level of professionalism. However, complex challenges such as globalization and technological advances emphasize the need for Islamic education to continue to adapt and improve the quality of human resources to join it. By harmonizing a comprehensive approach that includes developing skills, knowledge, Islamic values, as well as implementing innovative educational technology, Islamic education has the potential to make a significant contribution in improving the quality of human resources. This research also highlights the urgency of investing in training and development of teaching staff, as well as developing curricula that are relevant and responsive to the demands of the times.</em></p> Afriandi Sri Rahcamawati Askar Puput Juliarna Syarif Nurul Hikmah Rika Arfiana Rifda Ningsi Irawati Copyright (c) 2024 Afriandi Afriandi, Sri Rahcamawati Askar, Puput Juliarna Syarif , Nurul Hikmah, Rika Arfiana, Rifda Ningsi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 1 51 65 10.59638/teknos.v1i1.222 KEPEMIMPINAN KONTEMPORER DALAM PENDIDIKAN ISLAM https://jurnal-fkip-uim.ac.id/index.php/teknos/article/view/226 <p class="p1">This research reviews contemporary leadership concepts in Islamic education through literature reviewmethods. Highlighting the characteristics, challenges and opportunities faced by Islamic education leaders, this research also identifies the principles and best practices that support the achievement of quality and relevant Islamic education goals. Integrating the results of the latest literature review, this <span class="s1">journal aims to provide in-depth insight into the role and leadership in improving the quality and </span>relevance of Islamic education in an ever-changing global context. In addition, this article highlights challenges such as the lack of adaptation to changing times, the prevalence of corruption, dishonesty, and the lack of morality and competence of leaders in Islamic education in the millennial era. Proposedsolutions include community-based leadership education, character education, and conflict managementthrough emotional intelligence. It is hoped that by applying these principles, Islamic education leaders can face the challenges of the millennial era and bring positive changes to the society and institutions <span class="s1">they lead.</span></p> Afriandi Rihlah Fauziah Wahab Safira Lulu Salvana Rikawati Ririn Afrianti Nurul Mufidah Alfian Siddiq Jafar Copyright (c) 2024 Afriandi, Rihlah Fauziah Wahab, Safira Lulu Salvana, Rikawati, Ririn Afrianti, Nurul Mufidah, Alfian Siddiq Jafar https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 1 79 89 10.59638/teknos.v1i1.226 PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI ERA GLOBALISASI DAN MODERNISASI https://jurnal-fkip-uim.ac.id/index.php/teknos/article/view/219 <p><em>Islamic education is the education of the whole person, reason and skills with the aim of preparing people to live a better life. However, this does not go straight, because Islamic education is influenced by the current current of globalization. Globalization is a big threat to Islamic education. Changes in the field of education include educational content, educational methods, educational media, and so on. One aspect that has a huge influence is the curriculum. The research design used is the literature review method. Literature study (literature review) is research carried out by researchers by collecting a number of books, journals, articles, research results related to research problems and objectives. Based on the results of research on Islamic education in the era of globalization and modernization, the following can be concluded: Every human being has a desire for education. As a Muslim, education is absolutely necessary to achieve the goal of creating humans on earth as the Khalifah of Allah. With the development of technology and changes in human needs, nothing can escape these developments and changes, including the world of education, especially Islamic education.</em></p> Rofia Masrifah Syahruddin Usman Syarifuddin Ondeng Copyright (c) 2024 Rofia Masrifah, Syahruddin Usman, Syarifuddin Ondeng https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 1 31 41 10.59638/teknos.v1i1.219 PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DI SEKOLAH UMUM https://jurnal-fkip-uim.ac.id/index.php/teknos/article/view/223 <p><em>Islamic religious education is essentially a continuous effort to convey information, values ??and religious culture so that these ideals can become standards of behavior, attitudes and thought patterns and become a source of inspiration and ideals. Meanwhile, there is a strong will among the Indonesian people to always return to Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution consistently and purely. These findings suggest that religious life, and religious education in particular, is becoming increasingly important in government structures and organizations. This research uses the literature study method. The aim of this research is to: (1) examine the history of development (PAI) in public schools (2) examine the curriculum (PAI) in public schools (3) obstacles and solutions (PAI) in public schools (4) Religious Education Class Hours in Public Schools (5) Islamic Religious Education in the Context of Independent Learning.</em></p> Zakiah Al Munawarah Muzakkir Hasyim Haddade Copyright (c) 2024 Zakiah Al Munawarah, Muzakkir, Hasyim Haddade https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 1 90 103 10.59638/teknos.v1i1.223 EFEKTIVITAS CHATGPT SEBAGAI ASISTEN VIRTUAL DALAM PROSES PEMBELAJARAN MAHASISWA JURUSAN PKK FT UNM https://jurnal-fkip-uim.ac.id/index.php/teknos/article/view/203 <p>Penggunaan ChatGPT dalam proses pembelajaran menawarkan berbagai potensi manfaat. ChatGPT dapat memberikan dukungan belajar yang lebih fleksibel dan personal, memungkinkan mahasiswa untuk mengakses bantuan akademik kapan saja dan di mana saja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji efektivitas penggunaan ChatGPT sebagai asisten virtual dalam proses pembelajaran mahasiswa jurusan Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Makassar. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang komprehensif tentang efektivitas ChatGPT. Survei akan dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan data dari mahasiswa yang menggunakan ChatGPT dalam proses pembelajaran mereka. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan chatGPT sebagai asisten virtual dalam proses pembelajaran mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga memperoleh hasil yang sangat signifikan, chatGPT dapat membantu mahasiswa dalam pencarian referensi, pemahaman materi dan meningkatkan produktifitas belajar mahasiswa. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan jawaban dari hasil survei secara keseluruhan memberikan respon yang sangat positif.</p> Wardimansyah Ridwan Fitry Purnamasari Israwati Hamsar Andi Asti Handayani Copyright (c) 2024 Wardimansyah Ridwan, Fitry Purnamasari, Israwati Hamsar, Andi Asti Handayani https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-09 2024-06-09 1 1 1 8 10.59638/teknos.v1i1.203